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  • Writer's pictureLauren Daae

Harvest Brew

"Harvest Brew" is a coffee painting I worked on while the kiddos slept for a few mornings - and since sharing it I am grinning ear-to-ear over the connections made. I love being a part of the farming thread that spans not only the Canadian prairies, but is surely felt by countless others... the ones who've had the privilege to experience true family - or have dreamed of it.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to hear "So God Made A Farmer" by Paul Harvey.

The comments have just been making my day, one in particular on my facebook post by Kara Schiestel totally resonated with me.

"Our morning coffee is very important for us on the farm. We all meet at the main house every morning. Where we plan our days work, laugh, and even cry sometimes. We have a close family farming operation. Would love to share this at our farm."

I've been setting the coffee-maker every night since harvest started around here (we drink it all year-round of course!) and insignificant as it seems, I feel so part a tradition worth sharing. For me, this massive coffee-craze has magnified over the last decade, while I'm sure that it's been a staple for generations... it's neat to reflect on (and paint with!).

I've been jotting down notes about the association between the family farm and coffee over the last few months. I've scribbled down memories like waking up to the smell of coffee and cream-of-wheat at my Grandparent's (now mom and dad's) farm - and Grandpa's chuckles while letting us kids dunk sugar cubes in his cup. My husband fondly recalls riding along with his Grandpa on the tractor, and never missing a coffee-break; just the two of them stopping the tractor, sitting in the field with Grandpa's great big thermos and a snack.

I've been diving into this theme since before my Macoun Elevator projects. It's precious and it's needed in today's world - where family operations are less common and so are close relationships.

"Somebody to bale a family together with the soft, strong bonds of sharing".

I pray it never fades away - that picture of the crew gathered together for the field supper or morning break. Willing to pause in the middle of their highest-pressure seasons - and just showing "we have this time together, it's important enough to shut 'er down and drink it in."

I'll be adding more coffee paintings to my portfolio, to be sure. Wishing you all a safe and happy harvest season.

Artfully yours, Lauren

PS - you can get your own PRINT of the Harvest Brew

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